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450 Policy on Student Organizations

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: May 10, 2024
Last Reviewed: May 10, 2024
450.1 General Policy

Indiana State University acknowledges the right of members of the campus community to form associations dedicated to pursuing mutual interests.  Consistent with its mission, the University encourages student engagement with lawful educational and social pursuits outside of the formal classroom.  It is important to note, however, that unless specific written authorization is granted for an organization to use the institution’s name, Indiana State University does not endorse the purposes of, or assume responsibility for, any organization.

450.2 Definition of a Student Organization

A student organization is defined as one in which 75% or more of the membership is comprised of ISU students who are currently enrolled and in good standing with the University. 

450.3 Registration

Student organizations must "register" with the Office of Student Activities & Organizations in order to gain access to campus facilities and services or to be eligible for funding through the Student Government Association. 

  • 450.3.1 Registration for New Student Organizations. Registration for new student organizations involves providing:
    • 450.3.1.1 Roster. A roster of no fewer than six members.
      • 450. Below Membership Requirement.  Groups who feel that they have short-term need to operate below this membership minimum may request a temporary exemption from this requirement.  The request will be reviewed by, and a decision rendered by, the Office of Student Activities & Organizations.  The decision may be appealed to the Dean of Students.  Groups that have existed previously on the campus will be considered “new” groups if they have not been registered at any time during the preceding twelve months.
    • 450.3.1.2 Organization Leaders and Advisors.  The names/addresses/email addresses/phone numbers of organization leaders and advisors.
    • 450. Officers Must Be in Good Standing.  Only currently enrolled students in good standing with the University may serve as officers or agents of a registered student organization.  The following, for example, are not eligible to officially represent the organization:
      1. persons who have been placed on academic probation, suspension or dismissal;
      2. persons who are currently on disciplinary probation, or those who have been suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons;
      3. persons whose debts to the University have disqualified them from further enrollment;
      4. persons who have been issued formal “no trespass” directives
    • 450.3.1.3 Advisor.  A signed agreement from a full-time University faculty or staff member to serve as advisor to the group.
    • 450.3.1.4 Governing Documents.  A formal constitution and bylaws (see below)
    • 450.3.1.5 Report.  A report of the group’s activities and plans. 
    • 450.3.1.6 Advisement on Organizing Efforts.  Persons interested in forming a new student organization should seek advisement from the Office of Student Activities & Organizations regarding how to conduct initial organizing efforts.  
  • 450.3.2 Annual Registration.  Once registered, a student organization must re-register at the beginning of each academic year in order to continue receiving campus privileges and services.  Organizations that have not completed re-registration by September 15th will forfeit all previously arranged services and reservations.  For annual re-registration, student organizations will need to supply the following:
    • 450.3.2.1 Officers and Advisors.  The names/addresses/email addresses/phone numbers of organization leaders (currently enrolled students in good standing) and advisors. 
    • 450.3.2.2 Report.  A brief report of the group’s activities for the preceding year, and plans for the upcoming year.
450.4 Constitution and Bylaws

A sample constitution and bylaws for student organizations is available from the Office of Student Activities & Organizations.  Certain elements are required in the constitutions/bylaws of all registered student organizations.  They include:

  • 450.4.1 Formal Name (not an abbreviation or acronym) of Organization. The organization’s name should not be in conflict with an existing registered organization, nor should it be the same as another regional or national organization unless the group is a chapter of that organization.  In addition, the name must not include the words “University”, “Indiana State University”, or any abbreviation except in the form “at Indiana State University” following the organization’s unique name.
  • 450.4.2 Purpose and Mission of the Organization.  The purpose must be lawful, and may not be for purposes of assuming functions of established student governing/coordinating agencies.
  • 450.4.3 Non-discrimination Language. The constitution/bylaws must include the following statement exactly as it appears:
    • “except as protected by federal or legislative act, this organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, or status as a Vietnam era or disabled veteran in the conduct of its activities or the selection of its members.”
  • 450.4.4 Compliance Language. The constitution/bylaws must express adherence to University policies and regulations by including the following statement exactly as it appears:
    • “This organization shall comply with all policies and regulations of Indiana State University, as well as with all local, state, and federal laws.”
  • 450.4.5 Procedures.  The constitution/bylaws must establish democratic procedures for nominations, elections, and removal of officers, as well as for policy making.
  • 450.4.6 Not-for-profit Status. The constitution/bylaws must include statement of the organization’s not-for-profit status by including the statement:  “this is a not-for-profit organization”. 
  • 450.4.7 Hazing Prohibition.  The constitution/bylaws must include a statement of non-hazing, to be worded exactly as follows:
    • “Hazing is strictly prohibited in connection with the activities of this organization.  Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with the organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.”
  • 450.4.8 Relationship to External Organizations.  Description of the organization’s relationship with any larger organization. (Indiana State University reserves the right to examine the record of any external organization with which the student organization wishes to maintain affiliation, in order to be assured that the parent organization operates in a manner consistent with the professed intentions of the local student organization.)
450.5 Privileges of Registered Organizations

Once registered, organizations may receive advisement from the Office of Student Activities & Organizations concerning procedures for planning and conducting organizational functions.  The Office will consider the organization’s current level of membership before approving any major commitments of University space or other resources requested by the group.  A registered student organization may:

  1. sponsor an event on campus (the registered student organization may also sponsor an event to benefit a non-registered organization, but may not have a non-registered organization as event co-sponsor);
  2. reserve campus facilities and equipment for organizational use;
  3. publicize the group’s activities on campus;
  4. solicit membership on the campus;
  5. in compliance with the University’s solicitation policies, conduct fund-raising activities on campus to support the organization’s goals;
  6. participate as a group in University-sponsored functions;
  7. be assigned a campus mailbox in the Office of Student Activities & Organizations;
  8. establish an internet presence via University technology services;
  9. participate in the scheduling process for late-night events;
  10. be eligible for awards and honors presented to campus organizations;
  11. apply for funding from the Student Government Association;
  12. participate in leadership/organization development workshops presented to campus organizations
450.6 Responsibilities of Registered Student Organizations

Registered student organizations must accept responsibility for conducting the group’s activities in compliance with the law and with the ISU Code of Student Conduct.  Registered student organizations further agree to comply with other published policies and procedures of the University, taking particular note of those emanating from the Office of Student Activities & Organizations. 

  • 450.6.1 Sycamore Standard.  As responsible citizens of the campus community, members of registered student organizations should demonstrate through the group’s activities a commitment to the “Sycamore Standard”, a pledge that was formally adopted by the ISU Student Government Association in 2002.  The “Standard” states:
    • Students at Indiana State University are expected to accept certain personal responsibilities that constitute the “standard” for behavior in a community of scholars.
    • As a student at Indiana State University:
    • I will practice personal and academic integrity;
    • I will commit my energies to the pursuit of truth, learning, and scholarship;
    • I will foster an environment conducive to the personal and academic accomplishment of all students;
    • I will avoid activities that promote bigotry or intolerance;
    • I will choose associations and define my relationships with others based on respect for individual rights and human dignity;
    • I will conduct my life as a student in a manner that brings honor to me and to the University Community;
    • I will discourage actions or behaviors by others that are contrary to these standards.
450.7 Student Government Association

Indiana State University acknowledges the Student Government Association as the official “voice” of undergraduate and graduate students pertaining to participation in institutional decision-making.  Positions on various University committees and task forces are reserved for representatives of SGA.  The Association is also afforded the opportunity to make a report at each meeting of the University’s Board of Trustees.  SGA may offer resolutions to the University administration and faculty concerning matters of importance to ISU students, and it may also sponsor campus-wide referenda to determine student support for specific projects or proposals.  Additional information regarding the functions and authority of the Student Government Association, the SGA Code, and various programs and services of student government may be obtained by contacting the SGA office in the Hulman Memorial Student Union.

450.8 Special Categories of Student Organizations

Although the following categories of student organizations may have unique aspects regarding their relationships with Indiana State University, each is expected to comply fully with University policies and procedures for student organizations, including the obligation to re-register at the beginning of each academic year.

  • 450.8.1 Governing/Coordinating Organizations.  Some student organizations exist for purposes of coordinating various other student groups on campus.  Examples are the Interfraternity, Panhellenic, and NPHC Councils, the Greek Tri-Council, and the Residence Hall Association.  Other organizations promote campus-wide programming or provide representation to a variety of University committees and functions.  Examples include Union Board, the Black Student Union, the Graduate Students’ Association, and the International Students Organization.  These organizations are engaged by the University to act within defined roles as representatives of the student body.  In some cases, they may also be empowered constitutionally to govern and coordinate the involvement of students or student groups affiliated with them. The University assigns specific staff advisors to work with these organizations.
  • 450.8.2 Fraternities and Sororities.  In the case of social/general fraternities and sororities, the University’s relationship with the organization is described in the “Statement of Values and Obligations”, a document defining the values and goals shared by Indiana State University and its fraternities and sororities.  The Statement represents an agreement between the University and the national/international fraternal organizations.  Local chapters, comprised of currently enrolled students, must operate in accordance with this agreement. 
    • 450.8.2.1 Good Standing.  As an additional condition of its special status, a fraternity or sorority chapter must maintain good standing as a member of the appropriate Greek governing/coordinating council (Interfraternity, Panhellenic, or Pan-Hellenic).  On that basis, the University affords Greek chapters expanded services and advisement. 
    • 450.8.2.2 Establishment of Chapter.  It is expected that social/general fraternities or sororities wishing to establish a chapter at ISU will first meet with the staff of the Office of Student Activities & Organizations to gain an understanding of current demographics of the ISU Greek system and the level of support available for a new organization.  The organization must formally agree to support the “Statement of Values and Obligations”, a document defining the values and goals shared by Indiana State University and its fraternities/sororities.  If the organization wishes to proceed in establishing a local chapter, staff will offer advice concerning procedures and compliance with University policies and regulations. 
    • 450.8.2.3 Registration.  Like other student organizations, fraternity or sorority chapters must first complete the registration process through the Office of Student Activities & Organizations.  The group may then request affiliation with the appropriate Greek governing/coordinating council.  The group must at all times operate in a manner consistent with the requirements of both the national/international organization and the University.
    • 450.8.2.4 No Affiliations.  Should a student group wish to organize a fraternity or sorority at Indiana State University without having the benefit of affiliation with a national/international organization, the University reserves the right to require that the group establish a legally incorporated entity whose specific responsibilities with regard to the student group are determined by the University to be substantially equivalent to those of a national/international fraternity/sorority.
  • 450.8.3 Departmental Organizations.  Certain other campus-based student groups may be organized under the auspices of an office or academic unit of the University.  Such organizations exist solely to support purposes defined by that office or unit, and the leadership of that office or unit must accept responsibility for overseeing the organization’s activities.  Groups thus constituted will conduct all financial transactions through the offices of the University Controller.  Departmental student organizations must also register with the Office of Student Activities & Organizations, and they must adhere to all policies and procedures established by the University.
    • 450.8.3.1 Ad Hoc or Temporary Student Organizations.  In some cases, a department may sponsor an ad hoc or temporary student organization in order to promote student participation in a University activity.  Examples include intramural sports teams that enter a single competitive event or season, or committees formed for purposes of planning and presenting a department-sponsored program.  Such organizations operate solely for the purposes defined by the department, and must comply with all expectations and directives established by the department.  The status and existence of such groups terminate upon completion of that purpose.
450.9 Off-campus Property of Student Organizations

Under no circumstances does Indiana State University assume responsibility for student-occupied property that is not owned by or managed under contract by the University.  Provision of advice and counsel regarding such facilities should not be construed as acceptance of responsibility.  Similarly, disciplinary action imposed by the University in response to off-campus student/organization misconduct should not be interpreted as the University’s acceptance of responsibility for property that it does not own or manage under contract.

450.10 Review, Suspension, or Revocation of Registration

The relationship between Indiana State University and its students is defined by the published policies, procedures and regulations of the University.  These policies, procedures and regulations also apply to groups that organize on the campus.

  • 450.10.1 Organizational Discipline.  In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, the University reserves the right to enact disciplinary measures when a student or a student organization engages in misconduct either on- or off-campus.  Organizational discipline may include reprimand, probation, suspension of privileges, temporary suspension of status as a registered campus organization, or dissolution of all relationship with the University. 
  • 450.10.2 Discipline of Individual Members.  When a student organization is reported to have violated the Code of Student Conduct, judicial procedures established and administered by the Office of Student Judicial Programs will apply.  In a case of misconduct involving a student organization, individual members may face disciplinary charges simultaneously with the organization as a whole.  Student organizations operating as chapters or units of a larger organization (ex., national fraternity or sorority) may also face charges concurrently at the University and at the parent organization in accordance with that organization’s policies. 
    • 450.10.2.1 Relationship to Criminal Justice System.  University judicial process is administrative in nature, and is intended to be part of the educational process.  As such, it should not be confused with actions of the criminal justice system.  Consequently, a student or group may simultaneously face charges in the University judicial and criminal justice systems stemming from the same set of circumstances.
  • 450.10.3 Affiliated Groups.  Student organizations affiliated with a governing/coordinating council or association must also adhere to the bylaws and agreements established within that council or association.  Should such bylaws or agreements conflict with University policies, the University’s policies will take precedence.  Questions regarding jurisdiction and applicable policy should be directed to the Office of Student Activities & Organizations for resolution. 
  • 450.10.4 Reporting Incidents of Hazing. When a student organization has been adjudicated to have engaged in an act of Hazing (as defined in Policy 450.4.7 Hazing Prohibition), under judicial procedures established and administered by the Office of Student Judicial Programs, the institution shall publish a report of such act of Hazing in compliance with IC 21-39-9.1
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