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745 Motor Vehicle, Parking and Other Traffic Regulations

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: December 16, 2016
745.1 Responsibility for Compliance with Regulations

Faculty, staff and students who bring vehicles to campus will be held responsible for the registration and proper operation of their vehicles.  It is the responsibility of each member of the University community to read, understand, and abide by the motor vehicle and traffic regulations.  Ignorance of the regulations is not an acceptable reason for appeal of a violation.

745.2 Parking Permit Registration

Parking permits are required and may be purchased in the Traffic and Parking Services Office.  Fees are determined annually.  Faculty and staff may elect to purchase parking permits through payroll deduction either before or after taxes.  

  • 745.2.1  General Guidelines.  Parking permits will be required on all self-propelled vehicles that call for a state license or any other vehicle capable of being operated under its own power.
    • 745.2.1.1  Fees.  The parking permit fee schedule is available in the Traffic and Parking Services Office which maintains sole authority to sell permits and register drivers. (Hulman Memorial Student Union pay lots are an exception.)
    • 745.2.1.2  Duration.  Faculty, staff and student parking permits are issued for the school year and expire midnight August 16. The parking permit may be transferred to other motor vehicles driven by the permit owner to campus.
    • 745.2.1.3  Parking Permit Required.  All faculty, staff, and students who own, possess, operate, or have the use of a motor vehicle on any property owned, leased, or used by Indiana State University, including University Apartments, must purchase and properly display a current and appropriate parking permit.  Faculty, staff, and students who wish to utilize campus parking facilities are required to obtain a parking permit at the Traffic and Parking Services Office within 72 hours (excluding weekends) after arriving on campus or beginning employment.
    • 745.2.1.4  Number of Parking Permits.  One parking permit may be purchased per student or employee.
      • 745.  Motorcycle Exception.  However, students and employees who operate a motorcycle and another motor vehicle on University property must purchase a motorcycle permit in addition to a regular permit.
    • 745.2.1.5  Lost or Stolen Parking Permit.  If a parking permit becomes lost or stolen, it is the registrant’s responsibility to report and replace it immediately. Replacement permits are obtained from the Traffic and Parking Services Office at the appropriate cost. 
  • 745.2.2  Types of Registration. 
    • 745.2.2.1  Handicap.  Handicap parking permits are required and available for faculty, staff, and students who are qualified under Indiana Code 9-7-4.1 to use handicap parking spaces.
    • 745.2.2.2  Staff.  Faculty, exempt staff, non-exempt professional staff, non-exempt staff, non-student temporary employees, and full-time residence hall directors and assistant directors shall be defined as staff for purposes of vehicle registration.
    • 745.2.2.3  Student.  Undergraduates, graduate students, graduate assistants, graduate fellows, and all others enrolled shall be defined as students for purposes of vehicle registration.
    • 745.2.2.4  Temporary.  Temporary parking permits are available for short-term parking needs.
  • 745.2.3  Display of Parking Permit.  Parking permits are to be displayed from the rear-view mirror except for motorcycles and vehicles with convertible tops. Vehicles which are unable to be locked, will be issued an adhesive decal in lieu of the original hang tag. Scooters and motorcycles shall affix the parking permit to the left front fork of the vehicle.  A vehicle not displaying a parking permit will be recognized as an unregistered vehicle.
745.3 Operation of Motor Vehicles
  • 745.3.1  Sidewalks, Pedestrian Paths, or Lawns.  The operation and/or parking of all motorized vehicles on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or lawns of property owned, leased, or used by Indiana State University is expressly prohibited.  Identified University service vehicles and emergency vehicles are exceptions.
  • 745.3.2  Speed Limit.  The speed limit is ten (10) miles per hour on campus drives and parking lots. 
  • 745.3.3  Control.  The driver of a motor vehicle will have control of that vehicle at all times and failure to do so will constitute reckless driving.
  • 745.3.4  Traffic Control Signs and Devices.  All traffic control signs and devices are to be observed in compliance with Indiana law.
  • 745.3.5  Pedestrians Have Right of Way.  In areas where motor vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic conflict, pedestrians have the right of way when no other traffic control is present.
  • 745.3.6  Exhaust Mufflers.  All vehicles, including two wheel vehicles, must be equipped with adequate exhaust mufflers as required by Indiana statutes.
  • 745.3.7  Compliance with Law.  Drivers will comply with the State of Indiana Motor Vehicle Code and Terre Haute city ordinances at all times in addition to these regulations.
  • 745.3.8  Accidents.  All accidents involving a motor vehicle on property owned, leased, or used by Indiana State University or the streets adjacent thereto, must be reported to the Public Safety Department as soon as possible.
745.4 Parking Regulations
  • 745.4.1  Designated Lots.  Faculty, staff, and students may park in lots designated by signs for which they have the appropriate permit.
    • 745.4.1.1  Designated Spaces and Zones.  Parking in handicap spaces, fire and service vehicle zones, and unloading/loading zones (all indicated by signs) will be strictly enforced at all times.
    • 745.4.1.2  Arrangement of Parking Lots.  Parking lots are surveyed and parking is arranged to accommodate as many cars as possible.  It is necessary to follow the arrangements to allow other vehicles access to and from parking areas.  A parked vehicle which interferes with normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic may be removed at the owner’s expense.
    • 745.4.1.3  Prohibited Areas.  Parking in any driveway, alley, lot entrance or exit is prohibited. Do not park on unmarked open spaces.  Private property owners may tow at operator’s expense.
  • 745.4.2  Parking Without Permit During 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.  With the exception of Hulman Memorial Student Union pay lots, all ISU parking lots are available without a permit from the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday in addition to the weekends. 
  • 745.4.3  University Apartment Parking.  University Apartments parking requires a parking permit 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.
  • 745.4.4  Proper Licensure Required.  Vehicles parked on University property must be properly licensed, display a current parking permit, and be in a state of good repair and operable.
  • 745.4.5  Handicap Parking.  Handicap parking on Indiana State University property requires an ISU handicap permit. 
    • 745.4.5.1  Short-Term Medical Needs.  Persons with short-term medical needs should consult with the Traffic and Parking Services Office.
    • 745.4.5.2  Special Parking Privileges.  Special parking privileges must be requested by the disabled person accompanied by proper medical documentation which must include an expiration date in order to determine whether the permit is temporary or permanent.
  • 745.4.6  Inoperable Vehicles.  If a faculty, staff, or student vehicle is inoperable and on University property, the owner must contact the Public Safety Department at 237-8888. The vehicle must be removed from University property within 48 hours of the call.
745.5 Enforcement

Enforcement of the traffic and parking regulations is in effect every day throughout the calendar year.

  • 745.5.1  Enforcement Boundaries.  The enforcement boundaries are identified as Third Street (west), the Seaboard Railroad (east), the Conrail Railroad (north), and Cherry Street (south). Enforcement also includes the University Apartments area.
  • 745.5.2  Role of Public Safety. Enforcement of University traffic regulations, which include state laws and city ordinances, is the responsibility of the Public Safety Department.  Public Safety officers have the authority to halt vehicles, issue summonses for violations, remove vehicles improperly parked, enforce all regulations, and make arrests (Indiana Code 1971 20-12, ch. 3.5).
  • 745.5.3  Traffic Summons.  A traffic summons issued by authorized Public Safety personnel for violations of these rules must be presented to the Traffic and Parking Services Office at the Public Safety Department within five (5) working days (excluding weekends) of the date issued.  After five (5) working days, summonses are processed and billed to the individual accounts through the Controller’s Office.  Once a summons has been billed, the Traffic and Parking Services Office cannot accept payment.
    • 745.5.3.1  Responsible Party for Parking Violations.  The person in whose name a parking permit is registered with Indiana State University will be held responsible for any parking violation involving the vehicle whether incurred by the registrant or the operator of the motor vehicle.  Therefore, these regulations should be made known to any other person who may operate the vehicle with the permit displayed.
    • 745.5.3.2  Responsible Party for Moving Violations.  The operator of a motor vehicle on campus shall observe these regulations and will be held responsible for all moving violations committed, whether the vehicle is registered in the operator’s name or not.
    • 745.5.3.3  Prosecution Venue.  Violators of state and city laws may, at the discretion of the Public Safety Department, be prosecuted in state or city courts.
  • 745.5.4 Towing of Vehicles.  Vehicles may be towed from the campus if the vehicle violates University regulations, City of Terre Haute ordinances, and/or state laws pertaining to motor vehicles or if the vehicle constitutes a traffic/pedestrian hazard.  The owner/registrant of the vehicle will be responsible for any fines assessed and the cost of the towing.  Vehicles may be towed for the following reasons, but not limited to:
    1. Parking in a space identified for handicapped parking while not displaying a proper permit.
    2. Blocking a fire hydrant, walkway, or roadway.
    3. Parking in an emergency lane.
    4. Abandoned/immobile vehicles.
    5. Five (5) or more parking tickets (including warning tickets) during the current year.
    6. Visitors pay lots violation.
    7. Use of a lost, stolen, falsified or fabricated permit.
745.6 Citation Procedures
  • 745.6.1  Penalties. 
    • 745.6.1.1  No Parking Permit.  Failure to obtain an ISU parking permit within 72 hours of bringing an unregistered vehicle on campus will result in a fine of $15.
    • 745.6.1.2  Moving Violation.  A moving violation is a fine of $35.
    • 745.6.1.3  No Handicap Parking Permit.  Parking in an identified handicapped parking space without a handicap permit is a fine of $50.
    • 745.6.1.4  Unqualified User of Parking Permit.  Faculty, staff, students, or visitors may not obtain or furnish a parking permit for a non-qualified user of the parking permit. Therefore, obtaining or attempting to obtain a parking permit, furnishing a parking permit, or using a parking permit for which the intended user is not qualified, is expressly prohibited.  This violation may lead to losing the privilege of having a motor vehicle on campus for the remainder of the current academic year.  There is also a fine of $100.
    • 745.6.1.5  Resale or Purchase of Parking Permit.  Resale of a parking permit or purchase of a parking permit from any other person is a violation of these regulations and is subject to a $100 fine and vehicle impoundment at the owner’s expense.
    • 745.6.1.6  All Other Violations.  All other violations are a fine of $15.
  • 745.6.2  Assessments.  Violation assessments are made at the Traffic and Parking Services Office and are payable at the Controller’s Office after five (5) working days of the date appearing on the summons. 
    • 745.6.2.1  Failure to Pay.  Students who do not pay assessments or summonses by the end of the semester in which they are incurred, will have their records encumbered and registration privileges revoked until the assessment is paid.  Faculty and staff who have outstanding, unpaid summonses may be denied a parking permit until the assessment is paid. 
    • 745.6.2.2  Payroll Deduction.  Payroll deduction for parking fines may be arranged through the Payroll Office.
  • 745.6.3  Appeals.  A summons may be appealed in writing via application forms provided by the Traffic and Parking Services Office, if requested and returned within five (5) working days (excluding weekends) of the date appearing on the summons.
745.7 Hulman Memorial Student Union Pay Lots

The HMSU Commons Visitors Lot, a short-term pay parking lot, is located south of Hulman Memorial Student Union.  The hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m., and Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.  The University Visitors Lot, a long-term pay lot, is located north of the Hulman Memorial Student Union.  The hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Parking on Saturday and Sunday is free in both lots unless parking is reserved for a special event. For more information please contact Hulman Memorial Student Union at 237-3818.

745.8 Policy on Non-Motorized Vehicles

Indiana State University recognizes Non-Motorized Vehicles are important and legitimate means of transportation provided they are operated with due regard and concern for the safety of the general public.  Non-Motorized Vehicles may be operated on campus sidewalks and paths provided they are used solely as a means of transportation and not for purposes prohibited by this regulation.  Pedestrians in all locations designated for pedestrian traffic shall have the right-of-way over Non-Motorized Vehicles.

  • 745.8.1  Definition.  For purposes of this regulation “Non-Motorized Vehicles” shall include:  Bicycles, Tricycles, Unicycles, Skateboards, Roller Skates, In-line Skates, and any other human powered transportation device.
  • 745.8.2  Prohibited Activities.  Non-Motorized Vehicles shall not be operated:
    1. a. In a reckless or hazardous manner;
    2. b. In a manner that is unreasonable for existing conditions;
    3. c. In a manner that interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
    4. d. Inside University buildings;
    5. e. On ramps established for the use of persons with disabilities;
    6. f. Immediately adjacent to building doors;
    7. g. On stairs, railings, landings, loading docks, benches, picnic tables, and all surfaces not intended for pedestrian or vehicular travel;
    8. h. In areas posted against their use;
    9. i. In an acrobatic or stunting manner, i.e. activities causing one or more sets of wheels to leave the ground or other surfaces intended for pedestrian or vehicular travel.
  • 745.8.3  Exception.  Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit the operation of Non-Motorized Vehicles consistent with any authorized University activity.
  • 745.8.4  Penalties. 
    • 745.8.4.1  Non-Affiliated Persons. 
      1. First Offense – Receive a verbal warning.  A record of this warning shall be kept on file at the Public Safety Dispatch Center.
      2. Second Offense – Issue “No Trespass” directive from University property.
      3. Subsequent Violations – Arrest for Trespass.
    • 745.8.4.2  Faculty, Staff, Students, and Other Persons Affiliated with the University.
      1. First Offense – Receive a verbal warning.  A record of this warning shall be kept on file at the Public Safety Dispatch Center.
      2. Subsequent Violations – Be issued a campus traffic ticket charged with “Other Moving Violation” and fined $20.
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